Some clients
Environmental protection
It’s in our hands: Protecting the environment is down to management
We support you in preparing in time for the mandatory sustainability reporting according to EU requirements using the following standards: GRI standard, DNK (German Sustainability Code) and ESRS.
Our service includes:
Water, soil, emissions, energy, waste ... so many different issues governed by a multitude of regulations.
2022 numerous changes have been introduced at the legal level, especially about certain topics such as packaging, waste management (RenTri), ADR, etc.
In view of the extensive legislative changes, we support you and check, during an on-site inspection, the legal compliance of the corporate environmental protection guidelines with the requirements of the Italian (GVD 152/2006) and territorial legislation in force:
Our consultants will be glad to support you with our know-how and convenient tools in setting up or further developing an internal legal compliance process.
By regularly updating the list of legal requirements in AsiX, we additionally keep you informed about news in the field of legislation.
We support you with the efficient introduction and implementation of ISO 14001 in a profitable way for the company and the environment.
Instruments used:
The carbon footprint and supply chain management for the company as well as the life cycle analysis for your products or services are represented by our ECO Rating, which was designed based on the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards. The calculation is based on the GHG protocol. All other relevant environmental aspects of the company are presented in form of an illustrative graphic and are the basis for efficient and solution-oriented environmental protection. More information
The carbon footprint for the accommodation company is presented with our ECO Rating, which is based on the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards. The calculation is based on the GHG protocol. In addition to intern factors, external aspects such as the travelling mode of the guests are also taken into account and evaluated. All other relevant environmental aspects of the company are shown in an illustrative graphic and form the basis for efficient and solution-oriented environmental protection. More information
The life cycle assessment (LCA) is based on the GHG protocol. Basically, a cradle-to-cradle approach is preferred (from planning to recycling). Using an illustrative graphic, the greatest potential for improvement can be made visible and solution-based environmental protection can be implemented. More information
We support companies in finding the most suitable sustainability or environmental label for their operations and their environmental focus by making the effort and benefits visible.
Corporate mobility management helps companies to direct their own mobility and that of their employees in a sustainable and ecological direction. In this process we support the companies from the analysis of the mobility behavior to the implementation of tried and tested measures.
We support you in the efficient introduction and implementation of ISO 50001 with the following main topics:
We analyze the energy consumption in your company and show you potential savings. More information
The FSC and PEFC standards were developed with a focus on environmental goals and we will guide you on the way to international and independent third-party certification.
To obtain a PEFC or FSC product, all links in the supply chain must be certified in addition to the raw material from certified forests. This is why we speak of Chain of Custody.
Chain of custody certification refers to products of forestry origin, i.e. wood (logs, sawn wood, veneers, firewood, wood chips, etc.) and wood-based products (panels, furniture, frames, pellets, etc.), but also wood derivatives such as pulp and paper (for office, printing, etc.). In addition, certain non-wood forest products such as mushrooms, honey, berries, rubber, resins, cork, etc. can also be certified, provided they come from forests that are properly managed and certified as such.
FSC and PEFC chain of custody certification provides a sustainability guarantee for the forest or tree materials contained in a product. It ensures traceability of the certified raw material along the entire supply chain to the final product, which is controlled and verified by an independent certification body.
Possession of a valid PEFC or FSC chain of custody certification is a prerequisite for selling a product as certified.
A real opportunity for your organisation
Environmental protection
Head of environmental protection department; Construction safety, project management, building physics, occupational safety
Holzner Heinz ist Berater der SYSTENT GmbH mit folgenden Themenschwerpunkten: Umweltschutz / Nachhaltigkeit, Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit mit Fokus auf den Bereich Bauwesen, Bauphysik
Consultant for environmental protection and sustainability
Beratung Bereich Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit
Consultant for environmental protection and sustainability
Consultant for environmental protection and sustainability
Consultant for environmental protection & energy management; EGE – Italian Certified Expert for management of energy
Consultant for environmental protection & energy management; EGE – Italian Certified Expert for management of energy
Environmental protection
Systent GmbH provided vital support in preparing our environmental management system for ISO-14001 certification. Alongside legal compliance reviews, they also examined our company’s operations from different perspectives to gain insight into our environmental impact. Internal processes, technical resources and interactions with external parties were all carefully considered. The graphic generated from the ECO-Rating was intuitive, easy to understand and helpful in visualising the relevant environmental impacts.
We’re a future-oriented company. As such, sustainable living is really important for us because it’s the only way that we can leave the planet in a better state for future generations to enjoy. Or at very least the same state as today. ECO-Rating showed us that we’re already on the right track but also highlighted the areas we need to work on. We’re not just talking about starting to think sustainably, act sustainably and live in a sustainable way. We’re ready to do that.
Sustainability is the new buzzword. But for most of us, it’s an abstract term that has nothing to do with our actions. Not so! The ECO-Rating from Systent showed us just how extensive sustainability can be and how every individual within our company, but also at home in our families, can contribute to making their environment more sustainable. We would therefore like to thank Systent for their help in this area.
With support from Systent GmbH, we managed to integrate ISO 14001 into our management system in less than 6 months. The implementation was efficient and lean and ultimately allowed us to obtain certification. A core network of expert consultants and interaction in the AsiX management software generated meaningful and tailored analyses, e.g., the ECO Rating, in the form of a single, complete graphic for our company, which clearly showed the areas we can improve.